On Unthinking People
“All provocations given by unthinking people – and it is only from the unthinking that they can come – should be ignored.” Seneca, On the Constancy of the Wise Man 19:1 I’ve been in a managerial position of one type or another throughout the majority of my career years. So, dealing with difficult, stupid, stubborn, and rude individuals (whether supervisees, colleagues, or upper level managers) was an indispensable skill I had to focus on almost daily. I was expected to manage my employees, manage my boss and manage my colleagues in order to increase productivity while at the same time encouraging a positive working environment. Some days I did better than others. I’ve always found effectual leadership to be self-sacrificing and somewhat exhausting. My leadership skills were not measured by empty accolades from others, but in my effectiveness in inspiring those under my authority to work as a team in achieving or exceeding various goals. Once those goals were accomplished, I still...