
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Object of Life

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Book IV, Chapter 29 of Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations." A 40-year-old family member I’ve been estranged from for five years recently wrote me a five-page letter expressing their anger with me. Between correcting my flawed thinking and accusing me of being sociopathic, I was made to understand that I needed to take my share – the bulk – of responsibility for our current situation of estrangement. Out of the blue, about a week prior to receiving that delightful letter, a younger family member, who I had also not seen in a few years, asked to see me. Less than 10 minutes after arriving at our meeting, he brought up the subject of the estrangement and questioned the reasons for it. I should have known better. I think I did know better. But, I foolishly chose to answer transparently. Soon after the meeting, that young person gave the estranged family member
